About Us
After earning her Masters degree as a speech and language pathologist, Spark Innovations founder, Leah Schwed began working with school age children struggling with a variety of language deficits. Among her obligations was creating fun yet educational learning experiences. She noted one common issue again and again, the need for engaging and updated quality materials that encourage children to think and improve language one step at a time. After a decade of experience working with children, she set out to create products and materials that were updated, kid friendly, fun, and multi-functional when used in therapy.
In 2017 Leah incorporated The Spark Innovations Inc., and the Award Winning Spark Cards were introduced in 2018. Spark Cards have been described as an amazing tool helping parents, therapists, and educators teach core language skills to children in a most fun and exciting way. Its mission is helping all children improve language development one step at a time.
The benefits of language exposure in the language development of children during school age years has been touted by both the American Academy of Pediatrics and The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. What greater way is there to increase language exposure than with engaging and fun activities? Through the creation of products that make learning exciting, innovative and engaging, Leah has successfully blended enjoyable yet educational experiences. The Spark Innovations is where fun and learning come together.